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Our Development Podcast

Oct 8, 2018 • 16:19
IN THIS PODCAST, Joe speaks with Amy Buick, Director of Major Gifts, Abington Health Foundation at Abington. In a wide-ranging discussion, Joe and Amy touch on strategies and challenges when trying to raise money for healthcare institutions. From major gifts to networking, this 15-minute discussion is a must for any…
Nov 10, 2018 • 16:44
IN THIS PODCAST, Joe speaks with Ben Lee, Regional Director, Make-A-Wish: Susquehanna Valley region. In this podcast, Joe and Ben touch on strategies for meeting the fundraising needs of churches and other religious organizations. Lee, who in addition to his Make-A-Wish role is an ordained minister, shares a unique perspective…
Nov 10, 2018 • 23:19
IN THIS PODCAST, Joe speaks once again with Ben Lee, Regional Director, Make-A-Wish: Susquehanna Valley region. For those of us frantically moving from one prospect to the next, this podcast requires us to take some pause, and meditate on what it means to be present, slow down and fundraise with…
Alex Brovey, "Zen and the Art of Fundraising"
Dec 3, 2018 • 36:55
IN THIS PODCAST, Joe speaks with Alex Brovey, author of “Zen and the Art of Fundraising: 8 Pillars of Success” and Senior Director of Gift Planning at the Northwell Health Foundation. What do donors really want? In this wide-ranging discussion, Brovey suggests that fundraisers ‘take a pause’ and get to…
Elizabeth Wagner: "Planned Gifts or Inspired Gifts?"
Dec 3, 2018 • 29:24
IN THIS PODCAST, Joe sits down with Elizabeth Wagner, Senior Vice President & Chief Philanthropy Officer at the Princeton Area Community Foundation. As gift planners, we tend to focus on the technical aspects of the gift. But now, especially after tax reform, planned giving – more than ever – is…
PODCAST: A Discussion with Jay Angeletti
Oct 1, 2019 • 24:02
IN THIS PODCAST, Joe sits down for a wide-ranging discussion with Jay Angeletti, founder of the Angeletti Group. A development executive with more than 30 years of experience, Angeletti’s firm partners with clients engaged in independent and higher education, healthcare and academic medicine, and community building initiatives.
PODCAST: A Discussion with Lani Starkey
Oct 1, 2019 • 38:12
IN THIS PODCAST, Joe invites nationally-recognized philanthropic planning expert and founder of Fifty Rock Consulting, Lani Starkey, to the podcast. Starkey has spent his career advising CEOs, business owners, doctors, judges, university presidents, professors, librarians, deans, scientists, lawyers, accountants, investors, K-12 educators, financial planners, celebrities, homemakers, widows/widowers, and many more.
Susan Holt: "Step by Step Approach for Engaging your Board in Transformational Philanthropy"
Oct 1, 2019 • 35:20
In this edition of the GPD podcast, Joe speaks with Susan Holt, President of Vision Philanthropy. Holt has more than 30 years of not-for-profit leadership experience, as well as years working as a consultant to academic medical research centers, hospitals, higher education institutions and arts organizations. She founded Vision Philanthropy…
Brad Caswell: "Donor-Advised Funds - Beyond the Basics"
Oct 1, 2019 • 45:47
Joe sits down with the former COO of one of the largest Donor Advised Funds to chat about rules, trends, and opportunities for DAF’s that you may not have thought about.
Val Jones: "Getting Your Board Involved in the Fundraising Process"
Oct 1, 2019 • 36:32
Joe sits down with Val Jones of Valerie M. Jones Associates to discuss board relationships and how your organization can better harness the power of your board members, get them more involved and encourage them to participate further in the fundraising process.
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Articles & Publications
Should Your Charity Say Yes?
By David Toll, Senior Consultant, Gift Planning Development
“Pledges and donor-advised funds: The Changing Landscape”
Can a donor fulfill a personal pledge to a charity from his/her donor-advised fund?
By David Toll, Senior Consultant, Gift Planning Development
From Advancing Philanthropy, Winter 2014
Brian M. Sagrestano, JD, CFRE and Robert E. Wahlers, MS, CFRE
From Advancing Philanthropy, Winter 2013