Can You Make a Charity the Beneficiary of Your Pension?
Imagine leaving a legacy that continues to support your favorite cause long after you're gone. Many people overlook the potential of their pension when considering charitable giving, yet it can be one of the most impactful ways to make a difference. In this blog post,...
Can You Make a Charity the Beneficiary of Your Pension?
Imagine leaving a legacy that continues to support your favorite cause long after you're gone....
Are Donors Under 65 Years of Age Worth Discussing Planned Gifts With?
When it comes to planned giving, conventional wisdom often tells us to focus on senior...
How to Conduct Effective Planned Giving Surveys
In the world of fundraising, a well-executed planned giving survey can be a game-changer. It...
Can You Make a Charity the Beneficiary of Your Pension?
Imagine leaving a legacy that continues to support your favorite cause long after you're gone....
Are Donors Under 65 Years of Age Worth Discussing Planned Gifts With?
When it comes to planned giving, conventional wisdom often tells us to focus on senior...
How to Conduct Effective Planned Giving Surveys
In the world of fundraising, a well-executed planned giving survey can be a game-changer. It...
Do Online Will Planners Really Generate Planned Gift Intentions
In recent years, the digital revolution has extended its reach into the realm of wills and estate...
Maximizing Impact through Planned Giving with Professional Advisors
Why Planned Giving? In the nonprofit world, securing sustainable funding is critical. Did you know...
Counting Planned Gifts: A Comprehensive Guide for Fundraisers and Non-Profit Leaders
In the world of fundraising, planned gifts represent one of the most impactful ways donors can...